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We all encounter obstacles along our healing paths from time to time. Sometimes we quickly move through them with grace and ease, and other times we stay stuck…for a long time. We push and shove, we bang our heads against the same wall and it seems like, no matter what we do, we just can’t get over the hump. (Ugh. Right?)

While I’m a firm believer in following your own intuition when it comes to your spiritual growth (sooo many of us try to bypass this part  — I’ve been guilty of it), sometimes we can all benefit from a little outside help and perspective from someone who is just a little farther along the path.

So how do you know when you should keep going at it alone (there is such a thing as being too reliant on coaching or therapy or, yes, even your energy healer —- ultimately, you have all of the answers within) versus when you could really use some outside assistance? I put together the following list to help guide you. This list is by no means all-encompassing, but it offers my best suggestion (from my own experience as a student and a teacher) as to when it’s time to consider asking for help along your healing path.


When you’re thinking of making a major life change. Whether you’re thinking of starting a new career, leaving a relationship that’s no longer serving you or making some other major change, these types of situations (although they’re generally ultimately good) can bring up A LOT of fear. And because it can often be difficult to navigate through the lens of fear, having someone to help guide you through the transition can be a real life saver.



If you have persistent or intense anxiety, sadness or feelings of hopelessness that you can’t seem to shake. Listen, this life isn’t always easy. In fact, sometimes it’s excruciatingly hard — especially in this day and age when everything is so intense. If you’re struggling with strong feelings of anxiety or hopelessness, please, please, please don’t ever feel like you have to go it alone. I promise, it doesn’t make you weak, it only makes you stronger. (* For these situations in particular, I am a deep believer in seeking out a licensed therapist or coach who is experienced in dealing with the specific issue that you’re struggling with. Love to you. xo)


When you keep beating your head against the same wall.  Sometimes the reason you need an outside perspective is simply because you’ve been stuck in the behavior/limiting belief/ego pattern for so long you are literally blind to it. What you need is someone someone who can act as a mirror and reflect your blind spots to you. I  have had coaches (and a therapist) do this for me and I do this for my clients all the time.


If you feel like you’re ready to break through to the next level. Whether you’re looking for a breakthrough in your business, your personal life, your career or any other area, sometimes a little help is just what you need. Again, it’s all about having someone who can hold the vision for your highest potential, reflect your limiting beliefs back to you and help you transcend them. Working with a coach in these situations also helps you stay accountable and makes it much more likely you’ll actually follow through with the changes you’re trying to implement.


When you’re totally out of ideas. You’ve read the books, you’ve signed up for the self-study courses, you’ve tapped your way into a near oblivion and you literally feel like you’ve done and tried it all — it’s probably time for a fresh perspective or something to help reorganize your energy.

Above all, when it comes to your personal and spiritual growth work, listen to yourself. Your inner self always knows what you need —- and all you need to do is ask and you will be led. Even in the midst of confusion and turmoil sit yourself down in meditation and ask for help. You will be led.

And once you hear the guidance, take action.

Call the therapist. Hire the coach. See the energy healer. Reach out. Do whatever you need to do. Keep going. I’m here for you.


xo Kristi

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  • Libby

    I’m pretty much always feeling bubbly when you’re around! <3 and thank you for "sending" me to Debra!

    • Kristi

      Yay! You’ll have to tell me all about your visit! And likewise, my love! <3

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