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Do you ever get so caught up in the quest for happiness that you forget to find joy in the process?

This happens to me frequently. (More often than I’d like to admit, actually.)

Every now and then I have to rein myself back in from my spiritual and personal growth practice and the work I’m doing to build my business and remind myself to find joy in the process.

It can be so easy to get caught up in all of the striving, creating and working on ourselves and forget that happiness is the reason for it all. After all, if you’re not happy ultimately then what’s the point in doing anything?

Another reason to focus on joy? When we do things from a space that’s joyful, then everything we do is more effective. Think about it, when is the last time you did or created something for the pure joy of it? Now, compare that to the feeling you have when you strive and struggle to make something happen. Which feels better?

For the remainder of the month, I’m going to focus on infusing joy back into my life. Here are some ideas I came up with:


Deepen my meditation practice, allowing whatever needs to come without setting a specific agenda.

Snuggle with my dogs. (Because, obviously.)

Schedule lunch with a friend I haven’t seen in ages.

Spend time writing in a beautiful place.

Soak up some sun. Being in the sun makes me happy. Being tan makes me happy. There is nothing that isn’t good about this.

Treat myself to a solo lunch or coffee in a quiet cafe.

Send a handwritten letter to a friend.

Go to a comedy club and laugh. (Seriously, when is the last time you scheduled time just to laugh?)

Stop making everything so heavy. (This one’s worth a repeat: Stop making everything so heavy.)

Indulge in a relaxing bubble bath with a good book and a glass of wine.

Call my sisters to catch up over the phone instead of email or text.

Take my mom out for coffee and dessert.

Dress up just for the hell of it.

And the list goes on…
Want to join in on the joyfulness? I’d love to hear your list! Feel free to share with me below, or tag me on social media (@_kristisnyder) with the hashtag #findingmyjoy

I’ll be sharing my ventures on Instagram.

Much love,

xo Kristi

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