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Download your free guide to get unstuck and start moving toward the life of your dreams.

Hello lovely.

Does this sound like you?

“I’d love to quit my 9-5 job, but I have no idea what I’d do instead.”

“I’m really passionate about interior design but I just can’t see how that fits into the big picture of my life.”

“I wish I could make more time to draw/bake/paint/write, but it doesn’t seem practical”

Are you feeling dull, uninspired and unfulfilled? Unsure of what your purpose is? Do you kind of feel like you’re flailing around in life, just going through the same motions day after day? Or maybe there’s something you’re super passionate about but you’ve been putting it on the back burner because you don’t have all the details worked out yet?

I hear you. That is exactly where I was three years ago. Going through the daily drone, feeling like there had to be something more to life but unsure of exactly what that something was.

It wasn’t until I started paying attention to my dreams and taking action that I discovered I didn’t have to have all the details worked out. My dreams were actually a blueprint, leading me in the direction of my life’s purpose.

So what is it you want to do?

Leave your mind-numbing 9-5 job so you can become a writer?

Take your yoga teaching to the next level?

Or maybe you’re feeling the pull to get your creative juices flowing through an online Etsy shop?

Your soul is calling to you. Listen to her!

If you have a deep, longing desire placed on your heart, it’s there for a reason. It’s because you’re meant to fulfill it. You know as well as I do that desire isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. So, you have two choices: you can either let it fester or set it free.

Doesn’t option two sound like a much better choice?

Ok, so I’m not saying you should quit your job and launch your shop tomorrow, or even next week. Not at all. Following your dreams is a process and it takes time. What I am suggesting, is that you should start paying attention and taking small steps in the general direction of your dreams.

Need some convincing?

Here is why you should start paying attention to your dreams right now:

Your dreams lead you in the direction of your life’s calling

One of my favorite people, Mike Dooley, says “action breeds clarity.” I love this statement because it’s so true.

When I first started a blog a little over three years ago, I had no idea what was going to come of it. Honestly, I was just bored with my job and craving a creative outlet. I also knew I had a deep desire to help people, but I didn’t know in what capacity. Still, my soul was calling me to write, so that’s what I did. And slowly, a greater picture started taking shape. Over time, my creative outlet grew into a life coaching business, all because I started by paying attention to what my soul was saying and then taking one step at a time.

Now, following your dreams doesn’t mean that your life is suddenly going to become clear and that everything will go according to plan. (Just a little heads up for my fellow perfectionists out there. 🙂 ) It takes work, and you will most certainly encounter detours. (That time I thought about starting my own mobile veterinary business… No. Just no.) Sometimes the dream you set out for changes shape along the way, and that’s totally fine. But if you keep on listening and refining and taking one step and then another in the direction of your soul’s calling, then eventually, the big picture will start to unfold before your eyes.

So, take a step. Even if that means just moving away from what you don’t want. That’s ok, too. You have to start somewhere.

Not paying attention to your dreams can have a negative impact on your life

When you’re not living in accordance with your soul’s desires, you feel unfulfilled. Physical ailments can start to set in and life becomes a little chaotic. There is no doubt in my mind that my chronic back pain was telling me I needed to take a step away from my veterinary job. Once I slowed down and took the time to listen, my back pain improved significantly. Kind of crazy, but it really works that way.

On the other hand, when you’re in the flow of what you are truly meant to do, life seems to move a little more easily. Doors open and people show up to help you and guide you along the way. It doesn’t mean that your life will be effortless, not by any means, but it will be more enjoyable and it will all just make a little more sense.

If you don’t pay attention to your dreams, no one else is going to

You’re the only one who knows what you want, plain and simple. Only you know the deepest desires that live within your heart, and if you don’t make a decision to go for them then no one else is going to nudge you to do it. We’re all here to own our unique creativity, quirks and talents and express ourselves to the fullest capacity. By stifling yourself and your dreams, not only are you holding yourself back from living your best life but you’re keeping your best self from the world.

It’s time to step into the light and shine, my friend.




xo Kristi

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