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Kristi Snyder - Life Coach

If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent a good part of your life feeling a little lost –

– knowing that you wanted to be on the path to following your dreams and living a life full of purpose and passion but not really sure where to start.

You’ve seen other people who seem to have it all –

– money, happiness, security – and you want all of that, too. But you feel so stuck, caught up in worrying about the future, wondering if you’ll ever truly find the happiness you’re looking for. Maybe you’ve even had moments where you’re feeling a little hopeless, afraid that life is going to pass you by and you might never reach the full potential you’re capable of.

But if you’re like me, you also refuse to give up.

You refuse to settle for less, and even though you still feel scared and lost at times, there’s something deep down inside, even just a tiny glimmer of hope, telling you that your life can and should be more than this. That maybe, just maybe, you really can have everything you want. You dream of stepping into an authentic version of yourself, radiating with confidence and claiming a life you love, full of happiness, purpose and joy — the life you know deep down you deserve.

Well guess what?

I believe that you’re meant to do something extraordinary. I believe you can achieve your dreams and live a life you love. I believe that you are capable of looking fear in the eye and reaching for the stars. I believe you can have it all.

I want to see you shine bright and become the happiest, most dazzling version of yourself possible. And I’m here to help you get started.

A little bit about me:

About Kristi SnyderFor years, I can remember feeling like a muted-down version of myself. I never had a sense of being fully present in my life, and I often felt like life was leading me and not the other way around.

It wasn’t until I embarked on a serious personal growth journey that involved working with a therapist and a few amazing life coaches that life started to really fall into place for me.

I began the process of digging deep and truly getting to know myself for the first time in my life. I developed a newfound peace and confidence I had never experienced. I started turning inward for answers and acceptance rather than always looking on the outside. I began to take action in my life that was grounded in a deep inner knowing that I was on the right path.

In June of 2013 I discovered A Course in Miracles (a total game changer) and embarked on a spiritual journey that has literally opened my eyes to a whole new world —- one that’s full of magic, miracles and possibility.

For the past five years, I’ve relished the feeling of taking matters into my own hands and creating a life I love. My own personal growth journey has given me a wealth of experience and knowledge that I’m excited and honored to be able to share with you.

I know what it’s like to feel trapped in your life and to think you’re the only one struggling.

I also know that change is entirely possible. I know what it’s like to want to create better circumstances for yourself and to feel the fear and move through it anyway. And I know that life is so, so much brighter on the other side.

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