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Throughout the course of our spiritual growth, as we continue to strip away layer after layer to reveal our true self we tend to attract experiences into our lives that reflect that “new self.” For example, our newfound confidence in our career might land us a raise or new job, or we might draw in a relationship that reflects a deeper level of self worth. As we settle in and acclimate to greater levels of being and expanded awareness, it’s common to feel a little uneasy at first. It’s a little like, “Holy sh*t, I attracted what I’ve always wanted. Now what?” There can be a tendency to become paralyzed with the fear that we might lose it all (you know that feeling of wondering when the other shoe is going to drop?) or to be afraid that we’re going to “jinx” it somehow. These are simply tricks of the ego preventing us from fully receiving, experiencing and enjoying the good that’s right in front of us.

Many of us have become quite skilled at policing our ego when things aren’t going particularly well in our lives. However, our ego can really do a number on us when things are going great, too. In fact, if we’re not vigilant over our ego during these times, we may actually block or deflect the good that’s trying to enter into our lives. How insane is that?

Listen, I totally get the fear. I’ve been there, too. As crazy as it sounds, it can actually be scary to allow yourself to experience joy in a particular area of your life, especially if you’ve had a lot of pain and disappointment before. But trust me when I say that pushing past the fear is so, so worth it.

So, how do we drop the fear and simply let ourselves to experience the good in our lives? I’m glad you asked. 🙂

Tip #1. Allow yourself to receive it.

I repeat: Allow yourself to receive the good that’s coming into your life!

It actually brings me to tears to write this. Whenever I coach a client or I see a friend who is so consumed with fear that they are unable to embrace the good that is trying to come into their life, it absolutely breaks my heart. For crying out loud, we deal with enough pain. And I get it, the job or the relationship or whatever may not last forever and that’s scary, but if we can’t allow ourselves to fully enjoy the good in our life while it lasts then what’s the point? So, please, for the love of God, let yourself receive it.

Tip #2. Celebrate.

There is no better way to immerse yourself in the energy of receiving something than to celebrate it. In fact, when we celebrate the good in our life, it multiplies. Got a raise at work? Go buy yourself some flowers or a pedicure. I get that it can be scary. Your ego wants to say, “Wait! Don’t jinx it.”  However, by skipping this crucial step you’re not actually preventing yourself from jinxing anything, you’re only remaining stuck in fear. So get out there and celebrate already! You hear me? 🙂

Tip #3. Take action that supports your new way of being.

I’ll share an example from my own life: Last January I spent some time working through some long-held money blocks. After a few months of digging deep and getting a handle on my spending, I became much more financially comfortable than I had been in the past. While you’d think that would be wonderful (and it is), it took me some time to adjust to my newfound level of financial security. Though I had plenty of money in the bank, I still found myself feeling uncomfortable or guilty, even when making purchases for things I truly needed. I was still operating from the old mentality.

By pushing through the fear, I have slowly but surely developed a new relationship with my money. Whenever I find myself slipping back into that fear (which still happens from time to time), I’ll take a deep breath (or several 😉 ) and gently but firmly say to myself “things are different now.” Then I’ll actually push myself a little further outside my comfort zone to help solidify my new way of being. For instance, I might purchase something I’ve really been wanting but didn’t necessarily need, or increase the amount of money I’m putting into savings each month. These little leaps of faith add up over time and eventually become the new normal.

Tip #4. Lastly, recognize that sometimes things will change, and that’s ok. 

Life is constantly in flux. It’s all a continuous ebb and flow of experience — sometimes we’ll be up and sometimes we’ll be down. Most of us have no problem fully immersing ourselves our painful experiences, why not allow ourselves the beauty of totally experiencing the joyful parts too? This is where faith and trust come in. Surrender your life’s experience, knowing that what’s truly meant for you will stick. What isn’t meant for you will fall away and create space for something far better to arrive. <3






xo Kristi

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