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I want to ask you a question. Do you find yourself putting more faith in fear than love?

Let me give you an example. This past weekend, I was on vacation with my family in California. We spent a long weekend visiting Disneyland and enjoying wine country in Temecula. What could be more magical than that, right? We were having a blast, driving back to the hotel for the evening. I looked down at my phone and saw I had a missed call from my petsitter.

I immediately imagined the worst. (I live in the desert and can often hear coyotes from my backyard. There have also been stories of mountain lions scaling the wall and snatching pups near my neighborhood.) I spent a few moments frantically trying to call and text her with no luck due to my lack of cell phone signal. Since I was basically stuck without an option to find out what was going on, I forced myself to take a deep breath. I acknowledged the fear that was coming up and then I allowed myself to react differently. I told myself, “Maybe she just has a simple question. I’m sure everything is fine.” Within a few moments, I received a text from my petsitter saying she had pocket dialed me by mistake. No crisis. No coyotes. No mountain lion.

This is just a small example of how our minds work, though. We turn toward worry, or anxiety or fear, just like a reflex. It may not sound like a huge deal, but when we add all of these smaller instances up, that’s a lot of unnecessary fear. These days, it seems most of us are almost hard-wired for fearful thoughts. We place our attention on fear. We expect the worst case scenario. We assume other people are out to get us. It doesn’t help that the media constantly projects fear into our living rooms and newspapers. We’ve grown accustomed to living in a state of fear. But we can choose to change.


When we put our faith in love, love grows. And love is a choice. Just like fear, anxiety, worry and despair are also choices. Much, much too frequently, we place our faith in these low-level feelings, which then become our reality.

One of my favorite quotes is, “Worry is interest paid in advance on a debt you may never owe.” You can apply it to any of these low vibration feelings (they’re all essentially fear anyhow). What price do we pay by repeatedly investing in fear?

It’s true, we can’t control our external circumstances, but what we can control is our reaction to our circumstances.  What we choose to see determines our reality.

If you’re reading this, my dear friend, this is a call to put more faith in love.

When you’re feeling lack, choose love. When you’re feeling lonely, choose love. When you’re feeling fear or worry, anxiety or judgement, choose love. Put your faith in the guy to call, in people’s good intentions, in everything to turn out ok. Fear keeps us small. Love calls us to expand.

When we live from a place of love there is no limit to what is possible.



xo Kristi

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  • Libby

    Absolutely love this post! This is something I’ve been wokring on lately in my own life and the switch really is amazing and empowering!

    • Kristi

      Yes, it IS empowering! Keep up the work, babe! 🙂

  • Kelsey @ Ramblings of Change

    I love this idea – and really do try to stop my worrying/negativity. I want to live my best life ever, and I know that requires focusing on positivity, as well as love. We are having a Christmas social at my work today, and EVERYONE has said something about us running out of treats/beverages, too many people at once, etc. I have said nothing, except that it will all work out and be just fine. Because really, that is how the universe works.

    • Kristi

      Yes, yes, YES! Love it!

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