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Decide on your worth and the Universe will reflect it back to you.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about the topic of worthiness. How often do we tell ourselves we’re not worthy of something? How often do we tell ourselves we don’t deserve a specific job or salary, a loving relationship, a nice home, close friendships?

I want you to really think about it. When is the last time you told yourself you were not worthy of something? I’m guessing it was pretty recently.

For most of us, toning down our worth has become a such habit that we’re not even aware of it. Sometimes the thoughts of unworthiness are so habitual that they’ve simply become ingrained in our psyche. We may tell ourselves many times throughout the day that we’re undeserving of one thing or another, or act out in ways that reflect our feelings of unworthiness without truly even realizing it.

As a coach, and someone who is pretty keenly aware of my own hang-ups, I often recognize the more subtle ways these feelings of unworthiness show up in our lives. We don’t feel we’re worthy of a being with a certain person so we sabotage ourselves before we’ve even given the relationship a chance. We don’t feel we’re worthy of a raise, so we don’t even bother asking. So through our actions we create more ‘proof’ of our own unworthiness. We create these boundaries around our lives based on our own perception of what we deserve. We begin to look  to situations or people outside of us to determine our worth for us.

Here’s the secret though: Nothing on the outside can determine your worthiness. That power lies solely within. Conclude and it is done. Decide that you’re worthy and you are.




When we decide and we determine our own worth then, regardless of how our outside circumstances may appear, we are already worthy. When we decide on our worth, and take action from that place of already being worthy, then it will be reflected back to us in relationships that fulfill us, in careers that support us, in circumstances that mirror the worthiness that we feel inside.

It really is that simple.

Did this post strike a chord? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below and tell me about one area in your life where you are holding yourself back due to thoughts or feelings of unworthiness. Let’s turn it around, my friends!




Photo credit

xo Kristi

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  • Brynn

    Such a beautiful post, definitely struck a chord. I realized years ago that I had to set my own self worth for others to treat me at that level. It is not the other way around.

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