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Good things take time.

I’ve been thinking about these words ever since I saw this come across my Instagram feed yesterday. (Courtesy of Becky).

Honestly, this phrase used to kind of frustrate me. I mean, why should we have to wait for anything in our lives, right? But it’s true. The good things take time.

I know that when you’re struggling in a particular area of your life or pouring your heart and soul into something and it seems like nothing is happening it can be excrutiatingly painful. It can literally feel like a part of your soul is being ripped out of your chest. Trust me, I’ve been there.

I had an experience in my professional life last night that helped me see that all of my hard work and effort and everything that I’ve been doing is making a difference. It came to me during a moment of major self-doubt and negativity, when I was second guessing myself in multiple areas of my life. I have to say, it felt amazing to have that kind of confirmation in my professional career, and right now it’s helping me to have more faith in other areas of my life.

Sometimes these things come to us in the midst of our darkest moments, like a bright star shining through the night sky, and they guide us to keep moving forward. They remind us of why we refuse to give up.

If you’re struggling in an area of you’re life right now and feeling like you’re out of hope, I’m here to tell you to keep going. Have patience. Have faith. Trust in the end result and your ability to get there.

We are courageous, beautiful, complex beings. We dream big, we challenge ourselves and we take bold leaps in faith, often not knowing what the future holds.

To my fellow beautiful, brave spiritual warriors, I’m here to tell you you’re on the right track.

Keep on going.




xo Kristi

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  • Kelsey @ Ramblings of Change

    This is perfect. I’m in a place of battling where I am now, and what I want for my future. I had a rough couple of weeks being at my job, but this week…things are definitely looking up. So I think it is true that good things come to those who wait, and that good things take time.

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