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Along the spiritual path, each of us is constantly peeling back layers, shedding what no longer serves us (fear, old habits and limiting beliefs, pieces of ‘our story’) to reveal a truer, more authentic version of ourselves.

There are times we feel in total alignment (yessss, I totally get this spirituality stuff!) and then there are the times we feel completely disconnected. The periods of disconnect are necessary in order to highlight what’s not working so we can go deeper. Still, I know what it’s like to be deep in the frustration of a spiritual growth spurt feeling like, “I’m ready for my damn breakthrough already!”

In order to release what is no longer serving us it must first come to the surface, which is why we often feel an intensity of emotion or like the you-know-what is hitting the fan when we first make a conscious decision to change or release a limiting belief or pattern. It’s kind of like the beginning stages of a detox when you feel tired or headache-y just before you feel amazing.

And then there is the waiting, and the integrating, as old habits and beliefs fall away and new ones are assimilating. We can often experience a lot of unnecessary pain, discomfort or disorientation during this period of “undoing” (mostly because our ego interprets the unknown as scary), but all that’s really happening is that our soul is urging us to stretch and grow.

I recently experienced a period of feeling really disconnected spiritually. Weeks went by where I was feeling mostly confused, unclear and uncertain, questioning myself on everything. I knew I was going through some big shifts. Still, it wasn’t a whole lot of fun. However, by keeping the following tips in mind I was able to navigate this period of spiritual growth with much more ease than I would have in the past and remain patient while waiting for my breakthrough. I know they’ll help you too.


Allow for the unfolding process to occur. Don’t resist it! When I’m feeling disconnected spiritually I’ve found that the more I push the more disconnected I feel. (“Oh my God, I’m feeling soooo disconnected. Maybe I should sit down and try to journal this out.” No. ) Approach your feelings with curiosity and compassion but don’t feel like you have to analyze every little thing that comes up. More than ever, this is a time to tune in and flow with your feelings. Feel like reading a book or spending some time in nature? Cool. Do that. Don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself to “figure things out.” Allow yourself to be where you’re at, but stick with it. What will be revealed is more beautiful than you can imagine.

Be patient. A coach I was working with recently told me “There is no expectation or time frame on a breakthrough. It just happens when needs to.” That was mind-blowing for me. Trust that your spiritual breakthrough will happen exactly when it needs to.

Lastly, listen and allow yourself to be guided. When inspiration does come through listen. A couple weeks ago, I had an email come through my inbox for Gabby Bernstein’s digital course on accessing your true power and an inner voice said, “Buy this!” I knew it was guidance rather than my ego because when I thought about purchasing the course I felt expansive and free (rather than needy or anxious). So I did, and it ended up being exactly what I needed to hear. Guidance will come in when you are ready to receive it.


xo Kristi

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  • Sherri

    I really needed to read this…thanks so much.

    • Kristi

      So glad it helped. xo

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