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Hello, friends! I hope you had a very happy and peaceful New Year’s Eve.

Today, like many of you, I’m spending some time getting cozy with a cup of tea reflecting on the past year and looking at the year ahead. 2014 was a hugely transformative year for me. I experienced a lot of change in both my internal and external world. I happily soared to great heights and also reached some new lows. As is often the case when we commit to a spiritual path, I was faced with some challenges – and I mean challenges. I really had to dig deep and see what I was made of. In the past, I would have viewed these challenges as obstacles, but I’ve learned (and continue to learn) to embrace the tough times as prime opportunities for spiritual growth. It was a wild ride (and I definitely faltered many times), but through it all, I remained committed to myself, to my spiritual practice and I learned a lot about myself in the process.

The overwhelming theme for me this year was self love. Through my commitment to my spiritual growth, I was able to forge a deeper connection to myself and others, and to cultivate new levels of self-acceptance and compassion. It’s been both incredibly trying and amazing, and I’ve needed to give myself a lot of down time to process it all.

2015 for me is all about going BIG. This coming year is about stepping more fully into who I am and letting go of what no longer serves me. It’s about owning my confidence in my life’s path and what I want for myself, digging even deeper into my spiritual practice, building faith, and continuing to embrace the journey. I also know I’ll continue to be asked to draw on all that I learned in 2014 and develop even more self love and compassion. (It’s an ongoing process!)

As I sit and look at my intentions for the year ahead, and all that I’d like to accomplish and achieve, there is one single theme that seems to be holding me back in every area: the idea of not being good enough.


This crazy idea of not being good enough to find and keep a romantic relationship, of not being good enough to achieve my goals and dreams, of not being good enough to step fully into the path I know I was destined for.

It’s time to let it go.

I’m setting my sights high for 2015. I invite you to do the same.

Wishing you so much love and peace today and always. <3



What are your intentions for the new year? What are you letting go of?



xo Kristi

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  • Alex

    Hey Kristi,

    Ooooh you are going to love an upcoming post of mine, we have a lot of similarities when it comes to 2014 and stepping into SELF LOVE. I *love* how you wrote it here, ” Through my commitment to my spiritual growth, I was able to forge a deeper connection to myself and others, and to cultivate new levels of self-acceptance and compassion.” – YES!

    Good luck in 2015, I’ll be on the sidelines rooting you on. You ARE good enough. One thing that helps me whenever I hear the “you’re not good enough” voice, is that I look at a photograph of me as a little girl. For some reason, seeing photos of myself as a toddler brings out the maternal side of me that wants the BEST for her, and knows that she is perfect, just as she is, that she has nothing to prove, and that she is ENOUGH. It’s so helpful to me, give it a try!

    BIG HUGS and congratulations on a self-loving 2014!
    xoxo <3

    • Kristi

      Thanks so much, Alex. <3 Can't wait to read your post! Isn't it amazing how our lives change when we focus on self love? Thank you for the encouragement! I'm here for you too, babe. xx

  • Erika

    Hey Kristi! I can definitely relate to everything in this post! The easing into the new year and also the growing deeper in your spiritual practice. This year, I have chosen a word of the year… it’s Unity… and it kind of is on these same things… of self-acceptance, of aligning with my path, of feeling good enough, too. I hope this year brings you more of what you want as you continue down your path! 🙂

    • Kristi

      Thank you, Erika! I love your word of the year! It’s perfect. Best wishes to you too as you continue along your spiritual journey. <3

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