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A little over a year ago, a few months after I quit my job, I was in a rough spot. I was excited to be taking some time off for self discovery and pursuing my dreams (I mean, who wouldn’t be?), but I was also really struggling a lot behind the scenes. I was grasping at straws trying to make things happen in the freelance writing world and coming up against a lot of dead ends. I had also just broken up with my boyfriend at the time (the firefighter, for my longtime readers), which added another element of change to a life that was already in flux. I felt like I no longer knew up from down. I was free floating and desperately trying to figure out my next step in life.

I can remember one day having a complete meltdown on my bedroom floor. There I was, having followed my heart and made some really big changes. I was doing everything I felt like I was ‘supposed’ to do, and I still found myself completely and utterly lost. It was as if the ground had been ripped out from underneath me. I was scared and confused. I no longer recognized my life and I felt like I had hit rock bottom.

As I’ve learned is often the case with self discovery, sometimes you have to hit a major low to have a breakthrough.

I’m not sure what prompted me to do so (I’ve never really been religious, mind you), but in the midst of that moment with tears streaming down my face I hit my knees and asked for help — from God, the Universe, whatever was out there. I wasn’t sure what I was searching for, I just knew I was beyond the point of being able to go it alone.

The details from that day are a little fuzzy (crying hangover, anyone?), but I can remember just feeling this huge release. I didn’t feel amazing right away, but I no longer felt completely alone. I sensed a loving energy alongside me and it was like I was being held, supported. It was a fairly new experience for me and I really wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. That very same day a friend suggested I take up meditation for the insomnia I was experiencing at the time (which I’m certain was due to the intense stress I was feeling). It helped immensely, and from that day forward I began a daily practice of prayer and meditation. A few days later, my mom bought me a copy of A Course in Miracles and my life pretty much transformed from that point on.

Let me back up. It wasn’t that spirituality was an entirely new idea for me — I was familiar with spiritual concepts, I’d read books by Eckhart Tolle, Gabrielle Bernstein and other spiritual teachers — it just took on a whole new meaning for me from that point on. It was like I made a commitment that day to open my eyes to a whole new world, and I’ve been soaking up as much of it as I can ever since.

So, why am I telling you all of this?

Well, I’ll be the first to admit that things have been a little, um, stale around here lately and I think a large part of that is due to this major piece of my life that I wasn’t sharing with you. I feel a lot of what I’ve written more recently has been lacking the personal aspect that I pride myself on bringing to the table, and that’s something I never want to compromise. Truthfully, it’s taken me getting to this point to really feel comfortable putting it all out there so to speak, but I want to put it out there because this is the direction my life (and hence this blog) has taken. My spirituality is a part of who I am so, naturally, it’s going to spill over into my coaching, my writing and all other aspects of my life.

So, what can you expect from here on out?

Even more sharing of my personal life and spiritual journey (you know how I do 😉 ).

Deeper, spiritual conversations (lots of wisdom from A Course in Miracles and more talk about the Universe and manifesting and the like – this is where it gets fun!)

A possible blog revamp? I’m still not sure yet.

Thank you as always for hanging in there with me on this and every journey. I am beyond grateful for each and every one of you. <3



Ever had a similar experience? What role does spirituality have in your life? I’d love for you to share!

xo Kristi

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  • Lillian

    I love how you made so many changes (quitting job, breakup, etc.) and hit that lowpoint but still managed to come out on top! And this is so touching…. that you had to kind of offer up yourself to something higher/greater and trust everything was going to work out…. this reminds me a lot of author Elizabeth Gilber’s ‘Eay, Pay, Love’ scene when she is on her bathroom floor, crying and confused, and prays.

    • Kristi

      Thanks girl!! I didn’t think about the EPL scene but it’s exactly the same. Offering everything to that higher power is where it’s at. Thanks for your support! xo

  • Emily @ Perfection Isn't Happy

    Thank you for sharing your story! I definitely agree — sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom to start climbing back to the top again. I’ve been in a low point with my career for the past year, and I feel like I’m hitting rock bottom with where I am now. I go to church every Sunday, but I need to get in touch with my spirituality again, because it always helps me take the focus off of me and put my faith in God. I feel like I’ve just been going through the motions, and that’s not good! I have one of Gabrielle’s books, so maybe I should start reading it again!

    • Kristi

      Thanks Emily! I can totallllly relate. We all need a little spiritual revamp from time to time to take things deeper. Gabby’s books are a great, I love what she has to say. Hang in there, girl. If you need anything I’m here for you! xx

  • Amy

    It is so real to share this on your blog……I hope you know most everyone has been through this and have their own way of dealing…….I know I went through a really tough time 3 yrs ago…..I hit bottom while I was job searching after a lay off….it was the longest yr of my life. I jumped back into college, didn’t completely give up and I found out who was really there for me, friend-wise. It has been a great year and I think a great transformation has occurred. I even found a great guy. I wouldn’t change much from getting through that period. I only wish I would have had even more faith:) then………..and I wish I’d taken a few days to drive somewhere and get lost and explore somewhere new!
    You are fantastic!

    • Kristi

      Thanks, girl! I love that you brought up the faith piece, it’s so important when you’re going through a hard time. And I love how our toughest times bring about the biggest transformation. So happy for you that things are going well!

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