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Do you ever have trouble straying focused in specific areas of your life? Do find yourself feeling scattered and confused about how and where you should be spending your time, money and energy?

Me too, sister.

That’s why I wanted to share with you a little revelation I had over this past weekend.

I’m the type of person who really likes to have my hand in several different things at once. It’s kind of a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I can get a lot of ground covered in a small amount of time. (Give me ALL the personal growth books.) On the other hand, I also tend to get overwhelmed easily. So sometimes being involved in too many things can cause result in me dividing my attention among several different areas and not really accomplishing much at all.

No bueno.

Last Sunday, I was thinking about all of the things I have on my plate and feeling pretty frazzled. In terms of my business and personal life there’s just so much that I want to do right now. I sat in meditation for a few minutes and the guidance I received was, “Focus.”

Focus. Of course! While wanting to do a lot can be great, there’s something to be said for concentrating on one or two things at a time and really immersing yourself in them. Often, our ego likes to distract us from what we really want to be doing by making us feel scattered and overwhelmed. In this video I offer a simple solution to sidestep your ego and stay focused on your goals. Check it out!

So what do you think? Want to join me in getting focused? What areas in your life could currently use a little extra TLC? Let me know in the comment section!



xo Kristi

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  • Nan Snyder

    LOVE your video!! Think it’s the first video of yours I’ve seen!! You are amazing!!
    Can’t wait for you to write your book!!! I try to soak it ALL in and I have also tried to find scripture that fits into as many posts as I can, HUGS!

  • Kristi

    Thank YOU! xxoo

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