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So, I spent the past week feeling a little blah. Have you ever gone through one of those periods where you’re questioning everything and feeling totally unsure of yourself? I’m guessing you have. We’ve all been there.

I noticed lots of old fears and anxiety coming up — feelings I thought I’d squashed long ago. I found myself getting caught up in a whirlwind of comparison, measuring myself against others who seemed more successful, more confident, more spiritually ‘connected’ or farther along in life than I am right now. I was telling myself things like, because my blog or business didn’t look like so-and-so’s that there must be something wrong and that I hadn’t truly arrived, and so on and so on. Blah.

Here’s the thing: it’s total crap.

When we waste our energy focusing on others and on what’s outside of us we lose our ability to truly experience and appreciate what we have. I realized that I was so focused on what I didn’t have that I wasn’t staying present and allowing myself to honor my own process — my process of growth in my business, in my spirituality and in my own life.

I’m not gonna lie, it got a little ugly (as in, hitting my knees for several moments while mascara-streaked tears ran down my face). But, sometimes, that’s what we need to truly see where we’re falling short of supporting ourselves. In that moment, I made the commitment to begin honoring my own process rather than picking myself apart and comparing myself to others. It hasn’t been a piece of cake, and it takes a moment-by-moment, conscious effort to remind myself to stay centered in that place (especially as negative thoughts and fears continue to creep up), however, in the end it all comes down to self-acceptance — acceptance for ourselves, no matter where we’re at in life, but especially during our struggles.


Now, being accepting of ourselves and our struggles doesn’t mean adopting a ‘that this is the way it is so I better accept it’ mentality. I know that idea trips a lot of people up, myself included. On the contrary, being accepting of our struggles is making a conscious decision to embrace our current circumstance with a more loving attitude so that we can move forward with grace and ease. When we resist, we stay stuck. Only by truly and lovingly accepting where we are in our own journey can move forward with any sort of significance.

Did this post strike a chord? I want to hear from you! Where are you struggling? Where are you not giving yourself love and acceptance for your own journey? Are you able to shift your mindset to appreciate, and maybe even cherish it? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Have a beautiful week, my friends. <3



xo Kristi

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  • Emily @ Perfection Isn't Happy

    I’ve definitely had those weeks! I’m currently in a season of change, and although it’s great, change is really hard! I have to learn to stop second guessing myself, and just trust the process instead.

  • Kristi

    Yes, change is challenging but definitely easier to swallow when we can trust the process and ourselves. You’ve got this girl! <3

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