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One of the greatest lessons I learned during three years working with a therapist is that I am in control of my own happiness. Lately, I’ve really needed a reminder of this. I’ve found myself caught up in worry and negativity much more frequently than I’m comfortable with, feeling sorry for myself, and overall just feeling pretty blah. Luckily, I had a good friend shake some sense into me and remind me that it all comes down to this: happiness is a choice. 

So many of us go through our lives feeling like a victim of our circumstances. We tend to think we are at the mercy of the Universe and whatever it wants to send our way, but what we don’t often realize is that much of what exists in our lives is there because of the thoughts we think, the ideas and beliefs we have about ourselves and our perceived abilities or limitations. Once we truly get this, it’s incredibly empowering. We can’t always control our exact circumstances but we do have the ability to control the way we perceive our circumstances. I realize that sounds kind of hokey, but your perception really is your point of power. That’s why it’s true that, as Dr. Wayne Dyer says, when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

The truly amazing thing is, from a spiritual perspective, the happier you are the more your life lines up with your true purpose and opens you up to the infinite possibilities that are always around you. By being in an energy of happiness and gratitude, you become a literal magnet for more good to come into your life. One of my favorite lessons from A Course in Miracles is Lesson 83 which states, “Happiness is my only function.” I LOVE this lesson because it reminds me that it’s not my job to figure out the future or to try and “undo” the past. My only job is to be happy in this moment and lean into the divine wisdom that is always guiding me.

Like many of you, I’ve learned that I can tend to get much too caught up in worrying or trying to plan the future (which never works, by the way 🙂 ) or regretting the past. All this really does is keep me stuck, reliving the same moments over and over again. On the other hand, I can simply decide to be happy, and in doing so I open myself up to all of the possibility in my life. It’s not always easy. In fact, it can be really difficult to choose happiness at times, but that’s why it’s a moment to moment practice.

One practice I use pretty much daily whenever I find myself feeling anxious, stressed or sad is to close my eyes and say quietly to myself, “I choose to be happy,” or I’ll repeat the above line from A Course in Miracles. By making a conscious decision to be happy, it instantly brings me back to the present moment and frees me up from the stress of constantly feeling like I have to figure everything out. Within seconds, I feel lighter, happier and more at peace. It truly is magical.

Let me know if you try this trick – I hope it serves you!



Over to you! How do you choose to be happy on a daily basis? Is there an area of your life that could use a little more happiness? I’d love to hear your comments. <3

xo Kristi

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  • Debora

    Hi Kristi,

    Thank you for this post!
    Keeping the happy mentality can be so hard sometimes!
    I purchased the “A course in miracles” and it is a little bit overwhelming.
    DO you have any advice for the best way to approach this?

    Thank you so much!

    • Kristi

      You are so welcome! Yes, the choosing happiness is definitely a daily practice. 🙂

      I definitely remember feeling overwhelmed when I first started A Course in Miracles! My advice would be to take it at your own pace and do what feels right. I often found myself reading and re-reading certain sections because they hit me or just spoke to me at the right time. Linger over whatever speaks to you and let the rest go for now. Whatever needs to come through for you will. It helps to have someone to discuss it with, too. I also found A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson and Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein to be wonderful accompaniments to the text. Let me know how it goes! <3

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